22 August, 2012

最近身边的朋友都开始喝collagen饮品,而且都有好的回响!让我不禁心动!经过一番research 我决定购入我的第一瓶collagen KINOHIMITSU :)

其实刚开始我都会担心喝多了会不会对身体造成负担或停止摄取会不会有反效果,种种的疑问是我一直却步的原因~但是看见朋友的肌肤好像偷偷水嫩水嫩起来!我怎能落后 :P 

买的是Kinohimitsu Diamond 5300mg

建议首六天每天摄取一品,之后就每两天一品!整合大概可以喝个一个月吧 :)
刚开始喝了半个月,感觉毛孔细致了,皮肤也滑嫩了!开心 ^^ 之后应该会持续喝下去咯~

A team of scientists and passionate botanic health activists ventured into the rainforest in search of new plants and herbs and discovered a new network of positive energy and healing properties of plants that could benefit mankind. In the pursuit of a lifestyle inspired by the goodness of nature, this team successfully uncovered the secret of plant life and established Kinohimitsu.
All Kinohimitsu products possess nature-based extracts that is vital to nature’s self-regulating system. Focusing on Detox, Health and Beauty on the principal of holistic approach to improve human well-being, Kinohimitsu offers safe and effective consumption of natural products. Kinohimitsu improves your life without making any demands and intrusions on your time and energy, giving you the freedom to live a better life.